Course Description:
In this 6 week course, students will learn to use the various techniques, rhythms and drums used in traditional Guinean culture. They will learn the role this music plays in the Guinean culture and how traditional performances in villages differ from stage performances. By the end of the course, students will be able to combine all 5 drum parts to create a rich musical texture. All drums will be provided and all that is required is a positive attitude.
About the Teacher:

Assegai began music studies at the age of seven in the East Cleveland Public School System’s Music Program and later went on to study at the Cleveland Music School Settlement, the Cleveland Institute of Music, and Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music.
“My deepest knowledge of jimbe has come through the many workshops and masterclasses I have been able to attend. I have been lucky enough to perform with and/or get instruction from most of the 20th century’s world-class jimbefola from Guinea and Senegal.”
Assegai has been a guest soloist with Muntu Dance Theater of Chicago, Ko Thi Dance Company of Milwaukee, Sankofa Kuumba of Hartford, and various other groups. He has also taught jimbe in China and presented workshops in several public school systems there.